We Are ALL In “Time Out”!
It’s as though Mother Nature has grounded us all. Opps, we are in time out!
It’s as though she said: “OK, all you humans are in TIME OUT! AND until you can learn to play nice and share with each other and the planet…and don’t come out until you have a good idea of how to do it better.”

I am ALL for that!
How can we do it better?
What can we SHIFT and do better?
- Maybe a 2-day in office work-week to reduce pollution.
- Maybe reduce consumerism and instead focus, as does Michelin Chef Massimo Bottura on how to feed and love everyone. Watch him on 60 minutes. I love that man…also watch his Chef’s Table Netflix episode.
- Maybe we understand how important it is to keep our spaces clean and uncluttered, our bodies moving and outdoors, our children paced according to their own bodies and curiosity … ?
- Maybe we can learn to catch ourselves when we slip out of being PRESENT with our bodies, those in front of us, what we are doing right now, not being loving and not being needy.
- What IF? We don’t judge ourselves or others? Don’t doubt our intuition.
- Maybe we now have an idea of what is really important, how to control our impulses, care for our bodies and relationships and homes and planet? AND take steps to keep it that way?
- Maybe we can learn to design our spaces to Thrive! (Be Notified when my book is released.) Perhaps we can see the power of Light and design with it to heal spaces and people. Listen to one of my favorite Podcasts: LightLounge with Claudia Kappl Joy interviewed by Thomas Mnich (available on Apple Podcasts or Spotify.)
- Maybe realize that Money is not necessary, that everything on Earth is “Free” and we are just paying each other to bring it to us…it’s really all free and money is a way for us to be stressed, have everybody else in out business and forget our connection to earth and each other. (who said that?)
- Maybe it’s that we can take care to be in beauty and rest, living again the long languishing days, eliminate deadlines and permissions (per someone else’s mission)? Watch the Amazon BritBox series, All Creatures Great and Small, to have an experience of how life really is long, beautiful and funny, days are soft, the earth is analog, moving slowly and serenely and predictably.
- Maybe we can ask, “What are we REALLY doing here?” and “What do we REALLY WANT to do here?” Flourish, laugh, love, eat, hug, touch, smile, gift and receive. Maybe we can answer it?
Maybe you have some insights? I’d love to hear them.
Sending you huge Hugs and all the energy of the Universe flows to you for health and joy, creation and happiness.