In 2019, I was the designer on a study with PPG/Campos and Rand Corporation exploring the impact of color in classrooms on student and teacher engagement and happiness.
In schools across multiple states, and 43 classrooms, I worked with teachers to select and specifically place colors in their classrooms for the optimal impact of the classroom on those in it. PPG Paints generously painted the classrooms and the study results are amazing!
Download the Executive Summary
The results are amazing!
By measuring students’ and teachers’ attitudes and engagement before and after classrooms were painted, a few of the key findings revealed:
- Students believed the new paint colors made them happier and helped them to learn
- Teachers noticed that students were calmer, more focused, and more engaged
- In newly painted classrooms, teachers felt more energetic and empowered
These findings can provide educators, administrators, and parents with greater insight into how to use color to create conditions that enhance student learning.
To review the key research findings, see below for links to the executive summary and infographic. You can also visit PPG’s community engagement website for more information, like maybe how to get your school on the list of those to be upleveled with color!
Please share this with every teacher and administrator you know so we can use the silent resources we all have to uplift and bring more engagement, joy and focus to our children.
Stay tuned for more on this and in the meantime: scroll down for the links to the White Paper, infographics and…drum roll: the article featuring ta-daaaa! me.
The best part is the how kids and teachers were affected and the difference it made in their lives. I am so grateful to be a part of this and so grateful to PPG for the community outreach and the amazing research. [Stay tuned for more fantastic Colorful Communities projects where we transform lives with color and change the world one gallon at a time!]
Get The Guide
Here is how I did it! Using design principles known to neuroscience, neuromarketing and even Disney, I helped the teachers select their color and then instructed the painters where to apply them. I want this information to be available for all students and teachers.
Creating Happy & Successful Classrooms with Color is a HOW-TO guide, step-by-step with illustrations of before and afters of the classrooms, including project briefs and explanations to painters.
Check it out and stand by for more details!
Here is the link to the article featuring me and my work on the project.