Sometimes we get so used to bracing ourselves, looking around the corner for the thing that is going to dis-allow our success, make us work harder, thwart our dreams that we FORGET that bracing has set up a vibration that brings more of that vibration.
One Way to Open the Space to Let Your Goodness IN…Thank you to my dear friends for my new Kate Spade tote bag.
By being in the moment and allowing this moment: just this moment, to be good, fresh, happy, silly, weird, even if we allow this moment to be awful, we give it permission to be and make space for the next moment. And it CAN be good, building on good, building on just great.
If you want to know what might be blocking your success ask yourself, “I am letting it in?”
Exercise Try This
“I allow the ________ in.”*
Sometimes we don’t let ourselves receive or deserve what it is that we are want or are given.
When I first started saying this remedy and filling in the blank, I was amazed at how my body responded. I softened and flowed with the grace of allowing.
*Try it:
I allow the slender in.
I allow the beauty of my body in.
I allow Time to expand for me so I am in perfect time.
I allow organization to come in.
I allow laughter in to my days.
I allow the peace to come into my heart and conversations.
I allow this traffic to be protecting me so I arrive safely in the perfect moment to avoid anything negative or in perfect timing to get the perfect parking space.
I allow the riches of this Universe into my bank account, my home, my thoughts, my experience.
I allow ease and flow and health to come in.
What are you struggling for or against? Find it’s opposite and allow that in…you’ll see results and be amazed.