How to Write a New Script So That Miracles Occur
“What you are thinking, you are creating in your life.” Esther Hicks
We don’t often realize it but what we think will occur in our days is usually what does occur, except for that random moment when something fantastic happens and we think — how’d that happen?
Well, I can tell you exactly how that happened: at some point you thought or dreamed it and have forgotten that you actually programmed that piece of your day and life. Most people don’t want to believe it, but we are powerful beings in the ability to create our lives.
Take a moment each morning to program your day. Push the thoughts toward the joy you are wanting, like skiing through spring snow, it might be difficult at first but you’ll soon be sailing on well groomed thought patterns toward your best day.
The few moments between sleep and wakefulness are magical moments. Of course, all moments are magical, but these are ones that, in our current state of ‘doing the day’ seem to be the closest we actually get to the magical flow.
You can use those moments to script a different day, write a different story and program your day. I want to show you how to do it, because it works! Of course you can do this at any time, before a meeting, when driving to work (see the traffic moving smoothly) when looking for a parking space (imagine a great one where you’d like it to be and then let the thought go–pay attention to the flow of traffic knowing this is putting you in the right place at the perfect time for your parking space, etc.) Just reprogramming your expectations will reprogram your day and your life for the better.
- Write a different script.
- The stories we tell ourselves, sometimes without even knowing it, are creating our lives. Take time to write a different script to positively program your day. See the Script Below and make changes to suit your life.
- Next, take control of your life by learning to create limits and boundaries.
- I am a big fan of the book, The Four Hour Work Week, by Timothy Ferris. There are many hints within this book to learn how to positively delegate, take control of your time and your energy and thrive in life and business. I read between the lines of many of his antics (no judgment–it’s all an open field as Rumi says, “Out beyond the ideas of right doing and wrong doing is a field; I’ll meet you there.” What he has done has made his life rich and most of the tips and information are extremely valuable. One of my favorite tips:
- Only check emails two times a day. Note on your signature: I only check emails at 11:30 and 3:30. It works.
- I am a big fan of the book, The Four Hour Work Week, by Timothy Ferris. There are many hints within this book to learn how to positively delegate, take control of your time and your energy and thrive in life and business. I read between the lines of many of his antics (no judgment–it’s all an open field as Rumi says, “Out beyond the ideas of right doing and wrong doing is a field; I’ll meet you there.” What he has done has made his life rich and most of the tips and information are extremely valuable. One of my favorite tips:
- Give yourself and others a break. Forgiveness might sound lofty at best or impossible at worst but truly forgiving everyone and allowing things to be different opens the space within your life that your world can change.
- Forgive yourself for everything that you often regret or feel guilty about. This wipes the slate clean even though you might have to do it a few times. (The ancient Hawaiian method called Ho’o PonoPono is a significant help and very easy…Watch Michael Goddard explain how to use this method easily to shift everything for the better.)
- See the people you are familiar with acting in a different way and then step back and allow it. When you recognize it, you’ll be amazed. If you don’t recognize it, you’ll still experience better flow throughout your days.
- Watch your language. We often repeat cultural ideoms and responses because it’s our habit. Really listen to what is bumping around in your vocabulary cache because this is what is being created by your subconscious. Instead of the negatives, catch yourself and change it: “I am lucky, I live a charmed life, I am always happy to see ______, I always get a raise, money comes to me easily and from expected and unexpected sources…”
As I mentioned, you can do this at any time you think about it…making a shift in your internal world will always make a shift in your outer ‘reality’. The same holds true in reverse, with Feng Shui knowledge, you can make a shift in your outer world that will always make it easier to remove struggle and make life, wealth, health and happiness easy. It can be easy. It can be easy. That was easy!
My Script
My post New Book Finds on My Nightstand, I posted the script from Carol Tuttle’s book, Remembering Wholeness. It’s a great book and she’s a wonderful Energy Therapist, I recommend you Check her out. But her script, although beautiful, wasn’t what I wanted for my own life so I wrote my own.
I keep this on my bedside table and each morning and each evening I read it. I also have one on my desk that I can glance at throughout the day. Periodically, I adjust things here and there, but I have to tell you: it works.
Here is my script:
Good morning. (usually have the tune of “Oh What A Beautiful Morning” rolling through my head and heart) I am so lucky, I am so happy with how easily my day goes. Everything in my life flows smoothly, easily, and happily. It is as if the Universe knows who I am and what I want and things flow to me in a perfect and timely way. It is as if I’m dancing with the Universe. It’s easy for me to choose those actions and things that bring me the most joy and align me with the greatest potential to live my true potential.
Every morning I awake, eager for the beauty I will experience today. I am infused with the energy of well-being throughout my day. I am rested, refreshed and filled with love. I am so glad to be alive. I can hardly wait to exercise my body . I am healthy and perfectly fit.
I am thankful for each moment I can spend with my children. When they awaken, they are joyful and happy to be alive, rested, healthy and eager to join in the day and live their full potential. We have such fun interacting with one another. We laugh and embark upon our day together–positively anticipating what will unfold and expecting marvelous things to happen, great and small surprises, gifts from Universe every day. I love being a Mom. I ask that I be given opportunities to show and tell my children how special they are to me, to tell them how much I love them and to guide them through their lives toward fulfillment, peace and pleasure. I receive their expressions of love into my deepest my joyful heart and into every cell.
As I go through my day, it’s a lovely time. I see beautiful nature, beauty in everyone I meet. I so much appreciate all the wonderful people in my life. I love to see their smiles and joy. I love and appreciate everyone I meet. Just by being around them, my joy helps their lives go more smoothly. So much well-being abounds.
As I travel through my day, I sense those little urgings of my inner guidance and know just the perfect way to travel, the perfect speed and the perfect route, traffic flow is smooth and easy, I send sparkles of love and peace, harmony and laughter ahead of me on the roadways as if they were a ribbon of love, light and healing for everyone to absorb. I love new surprises that come, my ability to move with them, and the inspiration tht comes to me effortlessly.
I listen and my guidance moves me to the highest opportunities for joy and to do my work, to help others live the bliss and happiness that is just a thought/feeling frequency away. I am so thankful to be able to align with my Divine Guidance and my High Self. I ask that I be cleared, cleansed and aligned with the Divine, that my chakras and energy systems be balanced and that all my relationships be clear of negativity and infused with clarity, joyful communication, understanding, respect, love and laughter. I love connecting with the Infinite Power and Knowledge of my life, I love the joy of the unfolding.
My Universal manager, and my Universal committee are always working to align me with my greatest potential and opportunities for success. My Universal secretary takes care of everything, feeding it to me with grace and ease; my day goes smoothly and I am always pleased with the wonderful surprises. (Here I usually insert something that I’d like to see or receive like: my sons smiling with me or succeeding in school or with friends, I see an animal that I have never seen before, # new clients each week , huge sums of money from expected and unexpected places, an opportunity to exponentially help more people, delightful vacation travel, a new dear friend, or that someone anywhere on the planet feels the love they need…or whatever I would like to bring into reality.)
I see all my current, past and future clients thriving. I am so happy that I can help others make positive differences in their own lives. The people that come to me are thriving because I help them see the power inside them; Divine Guidance comes through me giving my clients exactly what they need to joyfully create their best lives. I love remembering to tune in and I am excited by how perfectly everything unfolds. Most I love knowing that I can participate in anything I want to participate in. I love knowing I have infinite choices. Thank you for this beautiful day.”
How to create your own script:
Copy and paste this one into a document and change whatever you’d like to change. Give attention to your health, your wealth, your roles (family, friends and work), and what you are grateful for. Don’t be shy about appreciating the ‘things’ you have been asking for, but it’s a great idea to analyze as well the feelings underlying the ‘things’. You may be wanting a new job, new mate, new car, new clothes, new body, but the feelings under that wish may be: more freedom, happy relationship, no worries, self-confidence, or self-esteem, feeling secure within yourself and your world. You can have it all… when you are grateful for the feelings, the things come more easily. Your Divine Self sees you as perfect now, when you start to love yourself in that way, miracles flow to your and through you.
An important key
Phrase it in such a way as though you have it now and love it. No matter what you have or don’t have in your current experience, be thankful and craft your script so that you are thankful that you already have what it is that you are creating.
Watch the feeling inside that might clench and say: no way, I want revenge, that person is a jerk and will always be so, or traffic is always backed up…. This is where you get to create a miracle difference and allow another reality. That’s all, just allow it. If you can’t do that, then just pretend you have hired a better actor for that role, someone who is funny, someone who is smarter, kinder, more centered and helpful–it’s YOUR screen play. Go write the best day you can think of–imagine what it’s like to get that call from the headhunter that so-and-so GotRocks Company wants to hire you at such-and-such, which is 20 times what you thought you wanted…and then imagine how your new life will be–fantastic work, enjoyable creative people, great projects, fun with your family, you in those great vacation commercials. Go for it. It’s only your mind–but that’s the engine that creates.
Word of caution
Whatever you think, you are creating and if you are creating a negative experience for someone else it will always backfire on you. What you send out, you receive, so if you want to write a character out of your script, see them moving on to a new and joyful life somewhere where they will thrive, feel great for them moving out of your life. This will help you create more in your life in an easier and better fashion.
Other Notes
Wording and feelings are subtle. For instance the saying, “the rich get richer” carries with it a negative, “isn’t that bad and aren’t they taking advantage of the poor” connotation. It’s often true that the ‘rich get richer’ because why? It’s what they focus on…it’s their though pattern, it’s their script.
There’s enough for everyone and if you think your good comes from someone, you are missing the boat. Your good comes from Source and when you focus on that and program your day, with your focus on what you want, you’ll be very pleased that this is always true: “the rich get richer”
Example of a limiting program: I love anticipating all the positive changes in my life. (This will put you in the mode of constant anticipation)
Better: Each day I am healthier and richer in all ways and more wise.
Feel free to send me your draft and I’ll critique it for you. Between the two of us, you can be sure that your ‘script’ will see you living your best life in each and every ‘now’ moment.