Is this you?
- Why am I always exhausted? The answer could be in the layout of your bedroom or your garage.
- Every year I make resolutions and they never stick! Whatever you are resolved to change in your life, you’ll still struggle unless you change the corresponding area of your home.
- Diets don’t work, I tried and it’s just hopeless! The colors and shapes in your home, as well as the art and the layout all impact whether or not you can easily reach your fitness goals ad and stay healthy and happy.
- Money goes out faster than it comes in…what can I do? Here we’ll look at the water areas of your home…your kitchen, bathrooms, plumbing and the Wealth Area of your spaces.
- I wish I had more romance in my life. Your bedroom, your front door, your furnishings all impact your ability to live a romance that delights your heart and soul.
- Why can’t I find my perfect mate? Same answer as the above romance issue yet deeper…we’ll look at the area of your home associated with Wisdom & Self Knowledge as well as your basement…these areas all impact your ability to be a magnet for your perfect mate.
- I’m stuck at a job that isn’t enough. This is depleting to your health and your finances. We’ll work here to engage all the support you need to be seen, to be nourished and to move into a career that activates your life’s purpose and joy.
- I wish I knew what my life’s purpose is. When you discover your life’s purpose, all your decsions become easier, your relationships more nourishing and enjoyable and your wealth in all areas flows abundantly. Discover how your home and office anchor confusion about who you are and what you are meant to be doing and we’ll shift it so 2013 is your best year yet.
- How can I get rid of these nasty ______ (neighbors, boss, co-workers)? Never practice negative Feng Shui…but drawing boundaries and deflecting others’ negative energy is a focus of this powerful science art of arranging spaces. We’ll look at simple ways to create harmony and to repel negative energy from your life.
- Why are my kids having trouble in school? Children are often the first to experience negative effects of poor Feng Shui in a home, because they have less history to burden their choices and energy.
- Why are they always fighting? Room placement, colors, shapes, and items all have an effect on people, and children respond quickly to the changes in their environments quickly netting happier children, easier study and better school success too!
Simple Changes Net Huge Results
Everything you are living right now is anchored in your home and office. When I work individually with clients, I we resolve these issues once and for all by making simple changes to their spaces (homes and workplaces) that finally shift the energy.
Would you like expert help to easily know what is blocking you and how to turn it around?
Feng Shui is more than just moving the furniture around and we’ll explore it all and know what to change to positively shift your spaces. Changing your enironment can lead to changes in the way you finally accept the joy around you. The keys to Nourish Your Spirit, easily keep New Year’s Resolutions, a fit healthy body, finding your life’s purpose, enjoying fulfilling work and relationships, having plenty of money and true wealth are in experiencing good Feng Shui all year long.
Join me on January 10 as I personally coach a small, private group online to know exactly how to remove the blocks to your wealth, health and happy relationships of all kinds when we Clear Your Clutter and Make 2013 Your Best Year Yet. Space is limited. Sign up by December 15 and Save!.
The 24-day program walks you through, step by step, the Feng Shui and clearing to remove the clutter of all kinds, and gives you powerful tools to shift into your best year yet.
Join me…Now is the time for you to live your dreams. Believe me, I know because I have lived it! And now you can too…