We understand the power of electricity. We know we can’t see it, but we use this energy to power our homes, office, auto and more. Our bodies use the same energy to power our lives.
Our bodies are intricately designed with energy flows; connections and matrices that govern and navigate every aspect of our existence from thought, feeling, emotions, behavior, intuition, digestion, metabolism, love, wealth, relationships: name it!
You can’t change what you don’t know: It’s about FLOW
For thousands of years, Eastern cultures have understood these energy systems and how to keep them alive, in balance and flowing for good health. Chinese Medicine understands our meridian system and how to flow energy smoothly throughout bodies. Feng Shui is the branch of Traditional Chinese Medicine that looks at how to flow energy effectively through our spaces.
Ayurveda brings to us vibrant knowledge of Chakras: energy vortices that pulse with life force and keep our bodies, minds, spirits and souls working perfectly. Although there are millions of these wheels of energy in the body, occurring at nearly every intersection of neuron, joint and neural plexi, there are 7 major Chakras aligned along our spine.
Each Chakra is ‘in charge of’ or the key to certain aspects of our lives, health, emotions and connection to the earth and to each other. We can use colors to help to rebalance our energy, just by seeing them, wearing them or living with them, they help to balance our lives.
Your Response to Color is a Clue
We’ve heard and perhaps experienced it: a couple is together for years and years. One of the partner dies and within weeks or months the other, previously in good health, dies too, of ‘a broken heart’…this is but one example of how unseen “energy” of emotion, becomes physically real.
In our daily lives, just like any system we know, electrical or computer, our bodies get bogged down, overloaded and out of balance.
One manifestation is that our Chakras, normally pulsing, spinning and whirring like a precise gyroscope, begins to wobble, become clogged or begin to contract and the energy flow is blocked.
Chakras out of balance at first cause discomfort, then dis-ease, and pain and if unacknowledged, can lead to withdrawal from certain aspects of life, illness and even death.
One simple way to determine if your Chakra is out of balance is your response to color.
What Colors Mean to Your Energy Field
I wrote about the color Orange and what it means if you hate orange and how to address a possible disconnection from joy, sensuality, play or socializing.
If you resist or are drawn to a particular “color” that is likely an indication or a medicine for you. Check out the information below about each “hue” (color) and see is there is a correspondence for YOU.
Everything is interconnected. Each area of our life, each chakra resonates with a certain frequency of energy that is translated as color, a sound, a sense, a body function, and emotions. There’s a resonance between all aspects of our lives…all we need to do is start to connect the dots to live life more vibrantly and completely.
Take a look below. For whatever the issue is that you can identify for yourself, how can you get a little of the color into your space to help rebalance you?
Call for your own consultation and we’ll balance your spaces and balance your life.
Everything below is accredited to Denise Linn’s and her website at www.deniselinn.com and reprinted here for your convenience.
RED: First Chakra — Base of Spine

Use the meditation at the First Chakra Healing portal on Denise’s Site if you are experiencing:
Lack of Abundance Poverty Consciousness Low Self-Esteem Being Fearful Anxiety Insecurity |
Needing Grounding Trust Issues Feeling Safe Vulnerable Lack of Boundaries Survival Issues |
Lack of Vitality Confusion No Courage Restlessness Problem Being in Present Time |
or if you are experiencing Physical Health Problems regarding:
Pain—constant and ongoing Blood Skeletal System Lower Back |
Teeth Large Intestines Kidneys Adrenals |
Immune Issues Lower Extremities Reproductive Organs Bladder |
ORANGE: Second Chakra — Just below the Naval

Use the meditation at the Second Chakra Healing portal if you are experiencing:
Relationship challenges Emotional swings Addictions of any kind Self-destructiveness Self-pity Sensuality issues |
Blocked creativity Lack luster Boredom Depression Lack of joy Blocked emotions |
Detachment from people Lack of intimacy Overly emotional Overly attached to others Difficulty being flexible Lack of pleasure |
Or if you are experiencing physical health problems regarding:
Small Intestines Adrenal Kidneys Spleen |
Lymphatic system Joints Synovial fluids Movement of muscles & joints |
Sense of taste Hands Womb Cervix |
YELLOW: Third Chakra — Solar Plexus/Will

Use the meditation at the Third Chakra Healing portal on Denise Linn’s site if you are experiencing:
Indecisiveness Fear Lack of self-esteem Lack of focus Insecurity Feeling timid |
Feeling closed off from others Bravado rather than confidence Mental confusion Feel that others control you Problems sticking to your decisions Overly optimistic |
Overly pessimistic or dour No intuition Lack of confidence No personal boundaries Closed off from others Lack of personal control |
Or if you are experiencing physical health problems regarding:
Solar Plexus |
Large intestine
Stomach / Pancreas / Spleen
Gall Bladder
Digestive System
GREEN: Fourth Chakra — Heart/Love

Use the meditation at the Fourth Chakra Healing Portal on Denise’s Site if you are experiencing:
Lack of self- love Not following your heart desires Loneliness Low self-esteem Isolated from others |
Very little love in your life Trouble receiving from others Distance from loved ones Difficulty really listening to others Dominating or suffocating others |
Judgmental of self and others Anxiety Longing A hard time being in the flow |
Or if you are experiencing physical health problems regarding:
Heart Circulation Blood Vessels |
Thymus Skin Lungs |
Bronchials Breast/Chest |
BLUE: Fifth Chakra — Throat/Ears/Communication

Use the meditation at the Fifth Chakra Healing portal on Denise Linn’s Site if you are experiencing:
Difficulty letting others know your truth Having challenges speaking up for yourself Lying to yourself and others Fearful of letting others know what is true for you Challenges with clarity of thought |
Introverted and shy Difficulty with independence Not speaking up for others in need Speaking too much Dominating others with your words |
Difficulty really listening to others |
Can’t express your point of view with clarity
Feeling insecure, uncertain and fuzzy
Blocked creativity
Or if you are experiencing physical health problems regarding:
Throat |
Endocrine Glands
INDIGO: Sixth Chakra — Third Eye/Forehead Area

Use the meditation at the Sixth Chakra Healing Portal on Denise Linn’s Site if you are experiencing:
Self-doubt Unsure about your intuition Rely on authority figures Rigid beliefs Easily swayed by others Don’t think for yourself |
Can’t visualize Lack of clarity Have trouble visualizing Diminished imagination Confused thinking Living in fantasy world |
Can’t distinguish between inner & outer reality Inability to remember dreams Overwhelmed by dreams Psychic abilities are shut down Psychic abilities are over-active |
Or if you are experiencing physical health problems regarding:
Eyes Brain Nose |
Pineal Gland Pituitary Gland |

Violet/White : Sixth Chakra — Third Eye/Forehead Area
Use the meditation at the Seventh Chakra Healing Portal on Denise Linn’s Site if you are experiencing:
Lack of connection to Source Unyielding in your beliefs Difficulty in seeing the viewpoint of others Intellectualizing Fuzzy thinking Confusion Live in a fantasy world Addicted to spiritual pursuits to |
Or if you are experiencing physical health problems regarding:
Top of Head Pituitary Gland Central Nervous System Spinal Cord Hypothalamus Thalamus |