The Good News Is:

A Policy of Non-Participation in Fear 

“During the recent Hay House conference in Tampa, Louise Hay, Doreen Virtue and others passed the message of “no participation in media campaign of fear.

“It’s not always easy to take that position, like the day of 9-11 that touched my own life so directly as i was in Tower 1 that day. I can feel the climate of fear that is spread around by media and accepted as reality by many people.

“However our right is to live our lives without fear with expectation that we can create balance and harmony for all mankind.

“In particular in the times of tension it is so important to create our own feeling of well being and happiness. Whatever we feel in our hearts will be created in our life.”
(reported by Edwin Kuprienko, Soul Coach)

Let’s decide to isolate fearful feelings and release them.  Focus on the present moment and what you can do in your own life to bring balance, peace and joy.  Then we can have compassion for those who do not yet understand that.


‘Reality’ is as ephemeral as the clouds-we can choose to see whatever we’d like.  

My sons’ Varsity Golf Team Coach is famous for his line:  “the good news is–”


Look for the good news: it is always right there.